It’s official everyone, I have become my mother! I swear, sometimes I open my mouth and she just comes out. The mom curse is real. You know the one, the “I hope you have one just like you” curse….Yep, so real! Some days I actually call my mom and just say sorry. At least once a week I end up hiding in the bathroom because I am laughing too hard to discipline my child. I know, I know I shouldn’t laugh. Easier said than done. I do not let him see me laugh though. That would be immediate defeat. We can’t have that!
This week Logan wanted pancakes for breakfast. I obliged and made him scratch made pancakes. Well, I reheated pancakes that I’d frozen over the weekend. Close enough right? Who needs Eggo? Simply make a large batch on Saturday, freeze the extras in small quantities, and you have scratch made pancakes in less than two minutes.
Back to the story, I made Logan his requested pancakes and he just looks at me like I am the craziest person he’s ever encountered. Seriously? Hiding the crazy isn’t really my thing, but geeze kid. He should be used to it by now at least!
After another attempt to get Logan to eat his breakfast his eyes went wild. I was not prepared for his next words….”No, No Mom, they are freaking hot”! Seriously? Did I just hear him right? Initially, I did not think the word he used was freaking, thank goodness when he repeated himself it was clearly freaking rather than what I had first thought. I explained to him sweetly that his pancakes were not hot and that we had things to get done today. Trying to get a two year old to eat when they don’t want to? Guys, welcome to World War III. This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill.
After some gentle goading to get him to eat he replies “I won’t. I won’t do it, Mom. They are freaking hot”! His commitment and seriousness were admirable. By this point, I’m biting my lip and running for the bathroom. Letting him see me laugh is not an option. I close the door and laughter begin rolling out. When I called my mom she could hardly understand me. By now she knows to just wait it out and a Logan story is coming.
I proceed to tell her the story of Logan and his pancakes and she immediately dies laughing. She puts the phone on speaker and my dad and brother join in on the laughter. At this point, Logan is banging on the bathroom door and yelling “Mom, they are still freaking hot”! Everyone on the other end of the line hears him and the laughter that was beginning to subside roars back to life.
Eventually, I reclaim control and end up talking Logan into eating so we can get on with our day. This child is SO stubborn. He is definitely mine. No doubt about it. My parents are so enjoying this stage of my life…..
Days like this it is a struggle to get up and out of the house. I tend to be a little less excited to cook in the evening. By the end of the day I’m tired and worn down and just want to curl up in the bed with Grey’s Anatomy (or whatever show is on) and escape a for a bit. This post has the perfect recipe for days like this.
Easy Peasy Snow Peas Salad is a yummy and guilt free dinner that is ready in about 20 minutes.
Start by cutting chicken breast into strips and saute in olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Flip and cook thoroughly. Add snow peas and tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper.
Saute until tomatoes and snow peas are warmed thoroughly. Guess what? That’s all folks! Really. Dinner is ready and is oh so delicious! Garnish with parmesan crumbles. Plate and enjoy!
What is your favorite quick homemade meal?
In a skillet, heat about two tablespoons of olive oil Season chicken strips with salt and pepper and add to skillet Cook chicken on medium heat until about half way done and flip Add tomatoes and snow peas Season with salt and pepper again Continue to cook on medium until chicken is done and veggies are warm Remove from heat and garnish with parmesan crumbles Dig in!Easy Peasy Snow Pea Salad
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July 31, 2017Looks delicios! Making it tonight! 🙂
Leslie Morrison
August 1, 2017I hope you enjoyed the salad!