I can’t believe the Self Care Challenge week 4 edition is here already! I apologize this post is a few days late. With a sick husband and a three-year-old on winter break, my house is a bit crazy at the moment. It’s not clean either :/ Grateful doesn’t begin to describe how I feel that Friday while my son was at school I savored the last few moments and practiced my yoga in front of the fireplace. For the next few weeks, zen is not a feeling I will enjoy, lol. I am, however, getting in lots of morning snuggles, which are amazing. This momma is loving not having to get up and rush around to get my son to school!
This past week I feel like I did pretty good as far as my self-care. As I mentioned, I fit in my yoga, and I have managed to get back on track with my wheatgrass shots. To make the wheatgrass shots more convenient and more economical, we have decided to purchase pallets of wheatgrass, and we are juicing it ourselves in our Hurom. It’s easier to swallow the financial aspect since one shot of wheatgrass is $5 at our local juice bar. A whole pallet is only $15, and I can get several shots from that for both of us!
In my book, this is undoubtedly a successful week. How did you do this week? I imagine your kiddos are probably home by now as well. Do you find taking care of yourself more difficult with your kids home or does it not derail you? Tell me it gets easier as they get older, Please? Getting up early in the morning is the easiest way to carve out time when my son is home. The quiet and stillness of the house are very calming and peaceful for me.
Thankfully, my husband will be off most of when Logan is out of school, so I am hoping for the opportunity to hit the studio and get some yoga sessions in this week too. I do foresee many walks (because my son can accompany me) this week, weather permitting. And I need this exercise also! My eating habits haven’t been as stellar with the busy holiday season. More eating out and less eating in has left my nutrition lacking. I’m hoping to correct that this week. Less junk and more whole foods are on my menu this week. Will I accomplish everything? Who knows, goals are essential though! Set the intention and have a wonderful week! I can’t wait to hear how you did this week so be sure to share your experiences in the comments below.
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